EP 023 – Managing Decision Regret

When we’ve made a decision, one of the things that impacts our ability to fully get behind that decision and move forward with intention is our tendency to experience decision regret. 

And we generally experience decision regret because as soon as we make a choice, we start to process new inputs, emotions, and experiences that come with that choice, and if we experience any kind of resistance, or if our experience doesn’t match what we had envisioned our life would be life after making that choice, then our mind immediately starts to question the decision. 

And we also start to romanticize what it would have been like to live out other options, the ones that we didn’t choose. We start to build a story about “how good life would have been” had we chosen option 2 or option 3. 

So in this episode, I explain how to recognize when you’re sitting in a place of decision regret, and give you a few ways to pull yourself out of it, gradually and judgment free.