When we’re envisioning how a future version of events will play out, we tend to associate those events with “The Struggle.” We constantly hear messages about how “Life is hard”, “No pain no gain”, “Nothing in life is free” – and we also are instinctually wired to look for the warning signs of potential future struggles so that we can avoid them.
But this type of mindset can significantly impede our progress because if we believe that we have to struggle, our attention is drawn to the struggle – and we tend to find all sorts of evidence in our day to day to confirm that things must be hard, and in turn we make them hard.
In this episode, we cover how to notice when you’re telling yourself a story about your future that involves “The Struggle”, and how to reroute this thought away from internalizing The Struggle and toward processing challenges in a healthy way, and in a way that leaves room for inspiration and growth.