Law Next

Hosted ByRobert Ambrogi

Robert Ambrogi interviews the innovators and entrepreneurs who are driving the future of law.

“[This] podcast is a must-listen for lawyers, law professors, and law students. Always thought-provoking, and Bob is as experienced a podcast host as you will find. Can’t recommend highly enough.”

Ed Walters, CEO, Fastcase

All Episodes

Episode 17: Headnote Founder Sarah Schaaf on Simplifying How Lawyers Get Paid

Sarah Schaaf wanted to revolutionize how lawyers get paid. After growing up with lawyer parents and then becoming a lawyer herself, including a stint in Google’s legal department, she saw the problems lawyers had in collecting from clients. She…

Episode 16: Lawmatics Founder Matt Spiegel on Automating Legal Marketing

They say you can’t go home again, but came back to legal technology after selling the first company he founded, , and then moving to other verticals. Earlier this year, Spiegel launched his second legal technology startup, , a cloud-based platform…

Episode 15: Clio’s Acquisition of Lexicata, with Lexicata CEO Michael Chasin

It was big news earlier this month when practice management company announced that it had acquired , the first cloud-based CRM and client-intake platform for lawyers. It was the first acquisition by 10-year-old Clio, which says it will continue to…

Episode 14: DoNotPay Founder Joshua Browder On Replacing Lawyers with Bots

At just 17 years old, made international news when he created , a chatbot that helped appeal parking tickets, reportedly saving motorists in the U.S. and UK millions of dollars. Now 21, he has just released a series of apps designed to help consumers…

Episode 13: Building Trust Through Blogs – A Conversation with LexBlog Founder Kevin O’Keefe

Kevin O’Keefe believes that lawyers get their best work from relationships and a strong word-of-mouth reputation, and that blogging is the perfect way to build relationships and reputation. In 2003, he founded LexBlog, a company devoted to helping…