Law Next

Hosted ByRobert Ambrogi

Robert Ambrogi interviews the innovators and entrepreneurs who are driving the future of law.

“[This] podcast is a must-listen for lawyers, law professors, and law students. Always thought-provoking, and Bob is as experienced a podcast host as you will find. Can’t recommend highly enough.”

Ed Walters, CEO, Fastcase

All Episodes

Episode 12: Judging Judges – How Gavelytics’ Judicial Analytics are Reshaping Litigation

What if a lawyer could know how a judge is likely to rule in a case or how heavy is a judge’s workload? Rick Merrill was a litigator at a large law firm who became frustrated over his inability to get meaningful information about the judges before…

Episode 11: Avvo Founder Mark Britton on Why He Started It and Why He Left

Earlier this year, left , the often-controversial company he founded in 2006 and led as CEO, after selling it to web behemoth . Explaining his departure in a , he wrote, “It’s time for me to go.” In this episode of LawNext, Britton reflects on…

Episode 9: Bill Henderson on the Need to Change Non-Lawyer Ownership Rules

Should legal ethics rules be changed to allow non-lawyer ownership of legal services providers? So controversial is the question that it was major news in July when the voted to appoint a task force to study and make recommendations on the issue….

Episode 8: Shruti Ajitsaria, Head of Fuse, Allen & Overy’s Legal Tech Incubator

In September 2017, venerable Magic Circle law firm launched , setting aside a portion of its London office for a collaborative innovation space to develop and test new legal technologies, and it named lawyer to head the project. On this episode of…